Saturday, March 31, 2012

K - Electronic Clutter and More (and a yummy recipe!)

It's the weekend and hard to believe that we are over 10 days into our cleanse!
I am enjoying the fact that I can do this at my own pace. Some days I am able to do more than others and that's ok especially seeing as some of the items are a work in progress; mental clutter takes time to work through. 
We are doing really well with eliminating unhealthy snacks. We are getting more nutrition into our bodies in our meals as well. Just last night the hubs made a super yummy quinoa salad. I love that he is willing to experiment with foods!

The 3 bags of clothing are all out of the house. Most have gone to donations while a few things has been given to friends/family. It's outta here! Everyone has gone through there clothing now except for my daughter. That may take a while! 

Last two days I have been working on electronic clutter. Electronic clutter is 'one of those things' that sneaks up on you if you are not diligent with it. 

  • I have my inbox (right this second) down to 9 emails. My work one is down to 4. I just keep current things that I want front and center. (otherwise I forget about them). Some days I just want to delete everything! 
  • I have also purged my email folders; I still have a lot but I'm getting there.
  • I have hit the unsubscribe to at least 6 things that I get emails for. It does make a difference because then it is less stuff that I need to go though on a daily basis.
  • I also have a princess tent thing that I am giving to my niece today. 
  • 2 pounds. I am NOT dieting. I have never dieted and don't plan to; I do not believe in diets at all. With my new lifestyle change it just so happens that some extra subcutaneous tissue is coming off. ;) I am eating better and being more mindful of my choices, snacking on better foods, and cutting back (not eliminating) white flours/sugars, red meat, and dairy. We have also been introducing new foods into our daily intake.
  • Ever get stuck in the comparison rut?! I do. This is what I am working on lately. Instead of trying to compare myself to others and what they have/do, I am really trying to just enjoy my own life and be grateful for all that I have. Getting resentful and depressed is not going to make me happy. Here is a great post from Leo Babauta of Zen Habits:
Also here is one of my fave quotes and it really makes sense! 

Have a great weekend everyone. I hope you are able to join in with us and shed a few things that you don't want hanging around anymore! 
Take care. xo

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