Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Some days I focus better than others and today was not one of them!! Lol! But saying that I got a few things done here and there and mostly things started and not finished. This is not really a good thing but thank goodness for my hubby who helps me along; ALOT! He got three bags of items out of the house and to the local thrift store. That feels good; as I always say you have not officially decluttered until the items are out of your house!

Anywoo there's my mind going all over the place again. Today I was able to sort, purge and reorganize our financial papers. Sound boring? Yup, it pretty much was. BUT I am so glad it's done. You know I didn't realize how much procrastination clutter I had until I started this! And there's more but baby steps; that's all we can do.

The other thing I went through was my youngests room. We already went through the clothes so today it was a quick look at the toys. We did this last year and got rid of lots so this time he just had a small bag full, I did not want to traumatize him because he gets a little nervous when Mommy is in an organizing mood! :p

Sooooo going with the theme of not focussing; I did not take any before and afters but I will leave you with this quote: 
"Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus." 

And a good video on focussing: 

I will work on that!

So today I got
1) a procrastination project cleared away (financial paper clutter)
2) youngest let go of some toys that he doesn't play with any longer
3) we have been letting go of unhealthy snacking habits (today we let go of our garage sale juicer and got a better one) so it's been fun trying healthy juice combos. When we do snack now almost all of the time it is something that is good for us. Food journaling is making me very accountable; not alot gets past my fitness instructor! Oh yeah and my hubby (bless his soul) made another batch of nutritious chocolate. Good thing you can't see the drool!
A side note: This movie, Hungry For Change has been an inspiration to myself and others to make better food choices. I have watched it twice, so far.

Love ya later. :)

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