Monday, April 2, 2012

Letting Go of Old Clothes

Today, I went through the clothes in my closet. They say that if you haven't worn it in 6 months, you need to think about why you have it. For Canadians, we say 12 months (due to our crazy seasons). Well, some of this stuff was still in there from when we did the Minimalist Challenge last year...dusty, unworn, now too small and some I'm just not sure why I even kept it in the first place...

Off the big pile went - directly to the car and will be dropped off in the Diabetes Association bin when I go to work tomorrow. Simple and GONE! Let someone else love these items, they aren't doing anyone any good hanging in my closet getting dusty.

ITEM #1 - old clothes

While I was in there, I discovered my big, old green purse (pictured above beside the clothes). I bought it in Colorado Springs! I have not used it in years. I'm not a big purse person. I'm not a purse person at all really. I tried to be. I pretended to be. As you can see, it ended up in my closet for years.

Yet another example of me getting things to be "normal"; to try to "fit in". "Every woman has a big purse." "It's the fashionable thing to do." "How else do you carry all your stuff?" and on and on. I mostly bought it because I thought I should have a purse. Not really because I wanted one. My mom has given me a few different "purses" as gifts over the years. They are more my style - compact, plain, simple. She knows me better than I know me! LOL! I used to do that kind of thing all the time - have things or be something that I thought I should have or be...instead of being true to who I am. This is something else I'm working hard to let go of.

ITEM #2 - letting go of being someone I'm not

Something else I'd like to share with you that I do regularly. This came up again when I pulled that big ol' purse down out of the closet. How often do you "purge" your purse? I try to clean my little purse/wallet out every week (an old FlyLady habit I picked up). Getting rid of receipts, notes, whatever else I've picked up along the way that week.

When I pulled that purse down - this stuff was still in it:

  • expired sucrets
  • dried up hand wipes
  • discolored hand lotion
  • an old bandaid
  • garbage??
  • business cards - some for businesses that don't exist anymore
  • old calling cards
  • two little mini sewing kits
ITEM #3 - useless stuff out of my purse

Needless to say, most of this was tossed. Obviously, it was not important stuff since it had been in there for years and never looked at. What are some of the strange things you've pulled out of your purse over the years? When was the last time you cleaned out your purse? :) Set a timer for 15 minutes and do it right now. Don't get distracted, just do it!

Let us know your findings in the comments! We'd love to hear your stories! Let's have a competition for the weirdest thing pulled out of a purse! For a fun look at some other purses, check out this post: 

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